Comfort temperatures and thermal comfort range in low cost dwellings in arid climate


  • Luis Herrera Sosa Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez


Thermal comfort, arid climate, neutral temperature, adaptive approach


This paper presents the results of a field study on thermal comfort of inhabitants of low cost dwellings in two cities of the northern arid region of Mexico: Chihuahua (lat: 28N, long: 106W) and Juarez City (lat: 31N, long: 106W). The field study was conducted upon the adaptive approach of thermal comfort, and according the ISO 10551 requirements. The survey was applied to 531 inhabitants of dwellings built by the Chihuahua State Housing Institute, during two periods: cold season (February) and hot season (July). Given that the climate of the region has features of “asymmetric” climates, so called by Nicol (1993), the data obtained in the field study was analyzed by the Averages for Thermal Sensation Intervals Method (ATSI) (Gomez-Azpeitia et alt, 2009). The aim of this research project was to assess this kind of housing offered by the local government and to propose recommendations for the design of new dwellings.


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How to Cite

Herrera Sosa, L. (2013). Comfort temperatures and thermal comfort range in low cost dwellings in arid climate. Sustainable Habitat, 3(1), 26–36. Retrieved from


