Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB) stabilized with lime and cement. Evaluation of both their environmental impact and compressive strength
earth, stabilization, material strength, environmental impactAbstract
This work presents the evaluation of the environmental impact and compressive strength of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB) stabilized with hydrated aerial lime and Portland cement. For this, 12 series of blocks stabilized with different proportions of lime and cement were manufactured and the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology was used. After conducting these assays and simulations, it could be concluded that, using earth and sand typical of the city of Santa Fe (Argentina), stabilized with certain percentages of Portland cement between 5 and 10% in weight, CEB can be produced with sufficient levels of strength for them to be used in load-bearing walls, in this way minimizing the negative environmental impact associated with their manufacturing. It is also concluded that the stabilization with aerial lime does not increase the CEB’s compressive strength and, on the contrary, significantly increases their negative impact on the environment.
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