Office user work performance indicator in warm temperate summer period




environmental quality, office building, typology



The Editorial Team of Hábitat Sustentable regrets to inform that the following article, published in issue VIIN1 from June 2021, is being retracted on having been sent twice:

Alamino Naranjo Y., Alonzo Frank A. (2021) “Indicadores de rendimiento laboral del usuario-trabajador de oficina en período de verano de clima templado cálido”, Hábitat Sustentable Vol.11 N.01 (June 2021), pp.: 44-57.

The manuscript sent to Hábitat Sustentable on February 25th, 2021, is the same as the text published in October-December 2021 in the Informes de la Construcción journal, which was published during the second semester of 2021.

Alamino Naranjo Y., Kuchen E. (2021) “Indicadores para evaluar el rendimiento de usuarios de oficina en clima templado cálido”, Informes de la Construcción, Vol. 73, 564,e420, October-December 2021. Available online:

The authors, on accepting the editorial standards of Hábitat Sustentable, indicated that the article had not been sent to another journal. The Editorial Team began an editorial revision process after that of Informes de la Construcción. This process went through a triple peer-review process which substantially improved the article. The result of this process was the publication of the article in the first issue of 2021. In January 2022, the Editorial Team detected that the article had been published twice and the case was sent to the Publications Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction, and Design. This Committee, after reviewing the suggestions on the web page of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and after having made different checks, has advised the Editorial Team to remove the article from the journal’s platform and to substantiate, through this note, the reasons behind the retraction.


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Author Biographies

Yesica Alamino-Naranjo, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina

PhD in Architecture
Associate Researcher, Regional Institute of Planning and Habitat, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design

Alcion Alonso-Frank, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina

PhD in Architecture
Associate Professor - Regional Institute of Planning and Habitat - Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design


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How to Cite

Alamino-Naranjo, Y., & Alonso-Frank, A. (2021). Office user work performance indicator in warm temperate summer period. Sustainable Habitat, 11(1), 44–57.


