Minga: sustainable and replicable urban renovation model, the Buenaventura case





sustainable urbanism, climate change, social housing


This article presents the results obtained in research made during a sustainable urban renewal design in the city of Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, as part of MINGA team's proposal for SDLAC 2019 (Solar Decathlon Latin America and Caribbean). This project was developed by a group of students and professors, as part of the undergraduate programs of architecture and civil engineering of the partner universities in the MINGA team. A project-based teaching-learning methodology was used, integrating the curricula in interdisciplinary project workshop-type courses. The main goal was to demonstrate the viability of a resilient urban planning project, conceived for the future climate in a coastal city in the hot-humid tropics. The results showed that a climate-resilient urbanism can be created, which guarantees the permanence of the original inhabitants of the coastal areas, mitigating flooding risks, and preserving the cultural roots of the inhabitants, even under sea-rise scenarios.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Villamil-Cárdenas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia

Architecture student

Ivan Osuna-Motta, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia

Master in Architecture and Urbanism
PhD in Architecture and Urbanism - Director of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Habitat


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How to Cite

Villamil-Cárdenas, V., & Osuna-Motta, I. (2021). Minga: sustainable and replicable urban renovation model, the Buenaventura case. Sustainable Habitat, 11(1), 58–71. https://doi.org/10.22320/07190700.2021.11.01.05


