Validation of proposals for the environmental optimization of a compact-typology kindergarten, in a very hot-humid climate




solar energy, school architecture, thermal comfort, light comfort


This article presents the validation procedure of optimization proposals for a compact-typology kindergarten prototype, following passive bioclimatic design guidelines, using dynamic simulation physical models calibrated with onsite measurements. The objective is to verify the parameters for the glazed area (gA), weighted average solar absorptance (), and total envelope area (envelopeA), using them as input data to obtain correlations of glazing Factors (gF) into a tool to estimate optimal glazed areas, aiming at integrating thermal and visual comfort in the design of educational spaces, in the Very Hot-Humid climate of the Argentine Northeast. As a result, a reduction of up to 72% was obtained in November, the most unfavorable month for school activities, for cooling requirements, by lowering the solar absorptance of exterior surfaces to 0.25, with a glazed area per floor area ratio of 17%, which made noteworthy improvements possible in the spatial daylight distribution, a key resource for the comprehensive development of children from Initial Schooling Levels.


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Author Biographies

Maria Laura Boutet, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), Resistencia, Argentina

PhD in Sciences, Renewable Energies Area, Assistant Researcher, Category III (SPU), Research Institute for Territorial and Human Habitat Development (IIDTHH) - National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

Alejandro Luis Hernández, Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa), Salta, Argentina

PhD in Sciences, Renewable Energies Area, Associate Professor and Independent Researcher, Professor-Researcher Category I (SPU), Director of the Non-Conventional Energy Research Institute (INENCO) - National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).


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How to Cite

Boutet, M. L., & Hernández, A. L. . (2022). Validation of proposals for the environmental optimization of a compact-typology kindergarten, in a very hot-humid climate. Sustainable Habitat, 12(1), 24–43.


