Multi-objective optimization of energy efficiency and thermal comfort in public office buildings. Critical summer period in the city of San Juan -Argentina




building optimization, energy savings, indoor comfort


Buildings represent 40% of the world's energy demand and CO2 emissions. In Argentina, buildings are responsible for 40% of the total annual energy consumption. The problem lies in an imbalance between the need to provide a high quality of life and comfort in office spaces, and the high energy cost required to meet that goal. Both a high comfort level and energy savings represent two objectives to be achieved. In this sense, this paper proposes a new methodology that combines onsite measurement with mathematical simulation tools. Innovative techniques and models are incorporated to make the tool, applying thermal-energy multi-objective optimization, which operates dynamically during working hours. The results show significant savings in energy consumption regarding cooling office spaces in the summer, from 57.5% to 83.3%, together with an increase in the thermal comfort quality, with improvements between 4.7% and 29.4%.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Damián Arballo, Universidad Nacional de San Juan., San Juan, Argentina

PhD in Architecture, Professor and Postdoctoral Fellow CONICET, Regional Institute of Planning and Habitat, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design.

Ernesto Kuchen, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina

PhD in Architecture, CONICET Research Professor, Regional Institute of Planning and Habitat (IRPHa), Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (FAUD).

Daniel Chuk, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina

PhD in Engineering, Research Professor, Instituto de Investigaciones Mineras.


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How to Cite

Arballo, B. D., Kuchen, E. ., & Chuk, D. (2022). Multi-objective optimization of energy efficiency and thermal comfort in public office buildings. Critical summer period in the city of San Juan -Argentina. Sustainable Habitat, 12(1), 102–113.


