Resilience and sustainability indicators for panamanian urban housing in the face of climate change




climate change, housing, sustainable development, resilience


In recent decades, urban centers have been facing enormous challenges with the increase in natural disasters, and the impossibility of recovering from them. In this context, the objective of this research is to propose resilience and sustainability indicators for Panamanian urban housing by considering the effects of climate change through an extensive analysis of the country's vulnerability. Using qualitative processes, validated by national and international professionals, it was possible to characterize resilient and sustainable housing and develop a proposal of 29 indicators that respond to current and future climate change-related impacts: 15 for resilience and 14 for sustainability. Thus, building a simple useful tool to evaluate the resilience and sustainability of urban housing.


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Author Biographies

Michelle Alina Ruíz-González, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Civil Engineer, Researcher at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Yazmin Lisbeth Mack-Vergara, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Doctor of Science, Researcher and Teacher


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How to Cite

Ruíz-González, M. A., & Mack-Vergara, Y. L. (2022). Resilience and sustainability indicators for panamanian urban housing in the face of climate change. Sustainable Habitat, 12(2), 08–25.


