Response of wattle and daub walls to condensation problems


  • Maria Guadalupe Cuitiño-Rosales Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), San Rafael, Argentina.
  • Alfredo Esteves-Miramont Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Mendoza, Argentina.
  • Laura Elizabeth Najar Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, San Rafael, Argentina.



wattle and daub, relative humidity, surface condensation, interstitial condensation


The response of earthen walls to humidity is a relevant issue when evaluating surface and interstitial condensation. This article analyzed the behavior against the humidity of three buildings with wattle and daub walls, taking into account the different layers of mud plaster and Castilla reeds. First, these were evaluated using the Iram 11.625 Standard and with the outdoor design data temperature, the indoor design temperature, and the thermal properties of the materials, obtaining the surface and dew temperature values for each case. It was observed that surface condensation did not occur in any case and for interstitial condensation, in all cases, in the layer close to the exterior reed there was the possibility of condensation, which can be optimized by using insulation on the outer or inner face depending on the climatic conditions. Based on in situ measurements with hobo dataloggers, indoor and outdoor temperature and relative humidity records were taken for winter. Surface and dew temperature curves were plotted and it was observed that in all cases the dew temperature values are lower than the surface temperature, verifying the lack of surface condensation.


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Author Biographies

Maria Guadalupe Cuitiño-Rosales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), San Rafael, Argentina.

PhD in Exact Sciences, Assistant Researcher at CONICET Faculty of Sciences Applied to Industry - UNCuyo, Professor of Practical Work at the University of Mendoza, San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina.

Alfredo Esteves-Miramont, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Mendoza, Argentina.

PhD in Architecture, Director of the Diploma in Sustainable Architecture. Principal Researcher at the Institute of Environment, Habitat and Energy, Professor of Architecture at the University of Mendoza.

Laura Elizabeth Najar, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, San Rafael, Argentina.

Master in Environmental Engineering, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.


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How to Cite

Cuitiño-Rosales, M. G., Esteves-Miramont, A., & Najar, . L. E. (2022). Response of wattle and daub walls to condensation problems. Sustainable Habitat, 12(2), 84–97.


