Optimization in the design of concrete mixes for the sustainability of a South American Metropolitan Area by implementing material life cycle analysis





life cycle assessment LCA, sustainability, aggregate optimization, concrete production


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology that identifies a product's environmental aspects and potential impacts by compiling an inventory of system inputs and outputs for optimization, strategic planning, and implementing sustainable policies. Several optimization techniques and their impact on mix design have been used in concrete production, such as multi-criteria analysis, statistical models, supplementary cementitious materials, and optimization algorithms. This work applies LCA to concrete production in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley, Colombia, with the hypothesis that optimizing proportions without adding special additives can reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption. Concrete mixes were designed using the ACI 211 methodology, and their environmental impacts were evaluated. The results show that using larger coarse aggregates reduces cement consumption, decreasing CO2 emissions by up to 15%. The optimal mix is not only cheaper but also has a lower environmental impact. The conclusions indicate that it is possible to make economic efficiency compatible with promoting a lower carbon footprint.


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Author Biographies

Andres Felipe Restrepo-Ramirez, National university of Colombia, Medellín

Andrés Restrepo earned his degree in Architectural Engineering in 2022 and is currently pursuing a master's degree in building construction at the National University of Colombia, Medellín Colombia. Since 2020, he has been working for consulting companies within the Civil Engineering sector. He is currently an occasional professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Colombia. His research interests include: Modeling and computational simulation applied to the AECO sector, composite materials, wood structures, and structural rehabilitation.

Carlos Andrés Rúa-Machado, National University of Colombia, Medellín

Architect. Specialized in Business Management and Master of Administration. His expertise lies in the field of Project Management. He is a full-time lecturer and Coordinator of the Specialization in Project and Construction Oversight at the National University of Colombia, Medellín campus.

Yhan Paul Arias-Jaramillo, National University of Colombia, Medellín

Yhan Paul Arias is a Materials Engineer with a Master's degree in Engineering, specializing in construction materials. He currently supports the Faculty of Architecture as an associate professor at the National University of Colombia. He has been the director of the Construction Laboratory at the same university, developing projects with both the public and private sectors of the construction industry. His academic contributions focus on improving cementitious materials, durability of materials, and recovery of construction and demolition waste.


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How to Cite

Restrepo-Ramirez, A. F., Rúa-Machado, C. A. ., & Arias-Jaramillo, Y. P. (2024). Optimization in the design of concrete mixes for the sustainability of a South American Metropolitan Area by implementing material life cycle analysis. Sustainable Habitat, 14(1), 44–65. https://doi.org/10.22320/07190700.2024.14.01.04


