Comparison and calibration of comfort indices for the warm season in a semi-arid city of northwestern Mexico
psychophysiological model, thermal comfort, intense activity, scale calibrationAbstract
The analysis of comfort models and the effect of extreme microclimatic conditions is important to determine the relationship between health affectations in people who perform activities in open areas. This work proposes a regional psychophysiological model for individuals with intense physical activities (sports) in outdoor public spaces in extreme hot dry climate (Mexicali, Baja California), which was contrasted with the Universal Thermal Climate Index in order to calibrate it and thus establish a comparative basis to formulate hypothesis tests to evaluate its applicability. It was found that the regional model achieved 67% accuracy compared to the Universal Thermal Climate Index, which obtained 31% accuracy when not calibrated and 53% accuracy when calibrated. As a conclusion of this process, the relevance, accuracy and efficiency in the use of specific regional models over those that tend to generalize the conditions of thermal perception is highlighted.
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