Thermal study of traditional ventilated walls in tropical climatic conditions of Catatumbo, Norte de Santander, Colombia
ventilation, heat transfer, simulation, building materialsAbstract
The research proposal is oriented to identify a series of typologies of traditional ventilated cladding walls of the construction market, such as fretwork, lattice and metal panels in order to develop a thermal study under climatic conditions of Catatumbo in Norte de Santander, Colombia. The methodology is theoretical through heat transfer simulations under the finite element method in ANSYS to identify the relationship between the permeability of surfaces and the incidence in the behavior of temperatures and heat fluxes. The results show that the more permeable typologies, such as fretwork and lattice, register less energy and temperature transfer to the less permeable typologies, such as metallic panels. It also showed that there are other factors such as shape and thermal properties of the materials that make up the construction units. Finally, the thermal study of ventilated walls consolidates technical information on traditional enclosure alternatives as a guide for the design and planning of housing and buildings in post-conflict zones, with the aim of promoting comfort and habitat quality in the aforementioned population.
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