Nature in spaces for older people: a biophilic approach, in the world




biophilia, nature, older people, biophilic theory


The study aims to find out how biophilia can condition the design of architectural spaces for older people. The research is descriptive, qualitative, and non-experimental, using a documentary review of the theoretical and architectural background to specify the subject of study, the behavior of the variable, and to identify architectural criteria. Five cases of empirical reality were analyzed to validate the criteria and obtain design guidelines. Similarly, one of the results obtained in the five cases became the guideline to generate terraces and natural, walkable outdoor spaces that create integration with open areas and connect with the natural environment, a guideline applied in 100% of the cases studied. It is concluded that biophilia conditions the design of spaces for older people by generating a fluid indoor/outdoor relationship through open and semi-open spaces, which includes nature and promotes social interaction among older people.


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Author Biographies

Hanlly del Pilar Velarde-Espinoza, Private University of the North, Trujillo, Perú.

Student of Architecture and Interior Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design

Alberto Carlos Llanos-Chuquipoma, Private University of the North, Trujillo, Perú.

Full-time Professor, Architecture and Interior Design Career, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Architecture and Urban Planning Career - Architecture and Interior Design Career


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How to Cite

Velarde-Espinoza, H. del P., & Llanos-Chuquipoma, A. C. (2024). Nature in spaces for older people: a biophilic approach, in the world. Sustainable Habitat, 14(2), 60–75.


