Analysis of evolutionary morphologies with CFD: Improving natural ventilation in central courtyard housing, in semi-warm areas of Latin America




evolutionary design, natural ventilation, sustainable architecture, CFD in central courtyard housing


This study aims to reduce energy demand in architecture through the use of passive strategies, specifically focusing on natural indoor ventilation. Computational simulations (CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics) were conducted, and parametric algorithms in Grasshopper were employed, applying a methodology based on evolutionary design. The objective is to optimize the design of single-family courtyard houses with cross-ventilation by evaluating how the morphology of these houses influences their performance in terms of natural ventilation. Through morphogenesis processes and evolutionary design, more than 200 morphological variations (samples) were generated, whose results allowed for the selection of the best-performing models. The most successful genes were combined in new generations to repeat the evaluations, ultimately achieving a housing model that optimizes ventilation up to 2.5 times more than the traditional courtyard house model.


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Author Biographies

Diego Rodríguez-de-Ita, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, San Nicolás de los Garza, México.

Master in Architecture
Doctoral student, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Faculty of Architecture

Liliana Beatriz Sosa-Compeán, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, México.

Doctor in Philosophy of Architecture and Urban Affairs
Research Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Head of Research in Industrial Design.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-de-Ita, D., & Sosa-Compeán, L. B. (2024). Analysis of evolutionary morphologies with CFD: Improving natural ventilation in central courtyard housing, in semi-warm areas of Latin America. Sustainable Habitat, 14(2), 48–59.


