Evaluation of rain barrels and green roofs for flood mitigation in a warm sub-humid climate, State of Colima, Mexico
floods, sustainability, climate change, hydrologyAbstract
Flooding in urban areas is becoming more frequent due to intensive land-use change and the effects of climate change. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) aim to replicate the local hydrological cycle and thereby reduce flooding. Two typologies were evaluated: Rain Barrels (BLL) and Green Roofs (TV). The objective is to determine which technique achieves greater efficiency in reducing runoff volumes in the city of Villa de Álvarez, Colima, Mexico. The simulation was carried out using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) software, and the results indicate that RB and GR achieved a reduction in runoff volume of 14.36% and 26.40% respectively, under the most critical condition.
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