Cost-benefit analysis of strategies for energy efficiency in housing, applying current regulation in Northwest Mexico
climate change, housing, electric power, standardization, energy consumptionAbstract
Climate change has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable sectors, and energy efficiency in buildings emerges as a key to mitigate and adapt to these effects. In Mexico, hot dry climates predominate in 53% of the territory, especially in the north, and although there are regulations for energy efficiency in buildings, they have a limited impact. This study evaluates the costs and benefits of said regulations considering ordinary homes in different climates in a state in northern Mexico, analyzing 180 models and concluding that complying with the regulations would increase the cost of housing by 1.93%, reduce electricity consumption by 26% and decrease CO2e emissions by 16.95%. These benefits were obtained without changing the most used construction systems, and prioritizing shading systems. The results can guide public policies that are more appropriate to local contexts.
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