Habitation practices towards adaptation and resilience in an amphibious environment in Colombia
surface water, vernacular architecture, Caribbean culture, climate change adaptationAbstract
The Colombian Caribbean Great Depression, located in the Magdalena-Cauca macro-basin, faces significant ecosystem degradation due to anthropogenic activities that have negatively impacted the habitat and quality of life of its inhabitants. This article presents the progress of the Yuma: infinite cultural diversity project, focused on the identification of indicators of adaptation and resilience of the communities in the face of contemporary challenges related to the water of their wetlands, which emphasizes the value of local knowledge and practices. Through a qualitative ethnographic methodology, the three sub-regions are explored: La Mojana, the Momposina Depression and La Zapatosa, in which we seek to delineate multi-scale strategies for interventions that respect traditional habitation and foster self-management and governance. Preliminary results highlight the need for public policies that recognize local practices and strengthen the adaptive capacity of communities to ensure their resilience in the face of current environmental challenges.
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