Influence of solar shading design parameters on energy efficiency in cold arid temperate climates, Mendoza, Argentina
solar shading, parametric simulation, energy efficiency, cold temperate arid climateAbstract
The construction sector has a significant impact on global energy consumption and carbon emissions. Despite technological and material advances, the energy performance of buildings primarily depends on architectural design decisions. This study evaluates how solar protection system configurations affect energy consumption for heating, cooling, and lighting in a study box located in an arid temperate cold climate. The results show that the window-to-wall ratio (WWR) and absolute orientation are key factors in energy consumption. A 16% increase in cooling consumption and a 13% increase in lighting were observed with the progressive increase of the WWR. Additionally, heating demand increased by approximately 18% based on orientation. These findings highlight the importance of adjusting design variables to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alicia Betman, Julieta Balter, Stella Maris Donato, Carolina Ganem
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