A study of the urban centrality phenomenon using a systemic methodology applied to the spatial dynamic of a metropolitan area: The case of Mendoza, Argentina


  • Natalia Soledad Porro Conicet
  • Alejandro Mesa


urban mobility, centrality, expansive growth, urban resilience


Currently, the actions taken by management agencies regarding road planning are insufficient to solve problems such as congestion and energy consumption, which result from the phenomenon of mobility in urban nuclei. Expansive growth and functional centrality generate a marked imbalance between different parts of metropolitan areas.

City centers are able to respond to the constant demand for entry due to their resilience, but become overloaded upon meeting user needs. Main roads make it possible to circulate in cities and in turn give evidence of environmental impact factors.

This paper presents a simple, systemic, methodological tool that uses linkages between means of mobility indicators analyzed in three time periods, to view trends and estimates of future conditions relating to urban mobility. This contributes to the development of optimal interventions for urban road planning. The methodology was validated in the Mendoza Metropolitan Area (AMM), Argentina, on different spatial and temporal scales, using official data, which include the three timeframes with the greatest movement. 


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How to Cite

Porro, N. S., & Mesa, A. (2016). A study of the urban centrality phenomenon using a systemic methodology applied to the spatial dynamic of a metropolitan area: The case of Mendoza, Argentina. Urbano, 19(33), 44–53. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/2367