Pedagogical essays for planning and land use of Quito. Bicentennial plan


  • María Dolores Montaño Huerta Universidad Central del Ecuador


Territory planning, self-sustaining centralities, multifunctional habitats, educational testing, learning from the problem, accessible city


Quito has the challenge of solving city planning. day is imminent for the balanced growth of the city of the future. Through the urban project “Bicentennial Plan” implemented by the Mayor of the Metropolitan District of Quito 2009/2014 around the big empty space left since the exit from Quito Airport, there have been a series of reflections, analysis and practical exercises from the Architecture Workshop 7/8 FADA-PUCE. Studies, analysis and testing of the document are based on the academic experience into two semesters, Jan/May and Aug/Dec 2013 to test the validity of the Plan, studying volumes and architectural sketches that is useful to analyze, evaluate, weigh and criticize the Bicentennial Plan, as well as propose possible options to use the territory.


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How to Cite

Montaño Huerta, M. D. (2014). Pedagogical essays for planning and land use of Quito. Bicentennial plan. Urbano, 17(29), 66–71. Retrieved from



Asuntos Urbanos Internacionales