Image in the urban body: the transformation of Madrid towards consumption
image, fashion, social position, centrality, public investment, pedestrianizationAbstract
Neoliberalism has meant a transformation in the conceptualization of social classes and a reconfiguration of the relationships between them. In this sense, it has produced a change in urban centers by intensifying their commercial and tourist uses through public investment in the image of cities. In Madrid, between the years 1998 and 2007 -a period of neoliberal hegemony- investments were made in projects that changed the urban scene by reinforcing the fetishistic character of the space and at the same time reinforcing the values of excellence and social prestige. Based on an analysis of public investment in urban scene projects, this research studied the effects that pedestrianization and semipedestrianization projects have had on the conceptualization of the center of Madrid during the years of greatest neoliberal expansion.
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