Gas infrastructure as an indicator of urban habitability: the case of the Tucumán Metropolitan Area


  • Ana Laura Castañeda Nordmann CETyHaP (Centro de Estudios sobre el Territorio y el Hábitat Popular), Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman


habitat, energy, service infrastructure, gas, intermediate cities


One indicator used to evaluate urban habitability conditions is the existence of a gas network. However, if the case of the Tucumán Metropolitan Area (abbreviated AMeT in Spanish) is analyzed, this measurement is not valid due to the state actions implemented since 2000 at the provincial level that facilitated the transportation of natural gas to almost the entire urban area. This situation makes it possible to propose that the operation of the infrastructure constitutes a more appropriate variable to measure habitability conditions. The aim of this research is to identify the areas of the AMeT that demonstrate vulnerability conditions based on the use of gas service beginning with the creation of a GIS for metropolitan-level analyses. Among the significant results, it was observed that the areas with unfavorable use conditions coincide with those that have experienced the greatest urban expansion in recent years. Also, the acceleration of residential growth and energy consumption, coupled with a management gap, failed to meet new urban requirements.


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Author Biography

Ana Laura Castañeda Nordmann, CETyHaP (Centro de Estudios sobre el Territorio y el Hábitat Popular), Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman

Becaria doctoral CONICET CCT Tucuman


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How to Cite

Castañeda Nordmann, A. L. (2016). Gas infrastructure as an indicator of urban habitability: the case of the Tucumán Metropolitan Area. Urbano, 19(34), 16–25. Retrieved from