Strategies for the mitigation of flood risk: the case of the Maldonado stream basin, La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


  • Estefanía Jáuregui Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • María Aversa Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Rocío Inés Salas Giorgio Universidad Nacional de La Plata


city, risk, floods, urban strategies, sustainable development


The present paper is based on the understanding that water conflicts related to urban floods arise as a result of a great variety of causes, although they are primarily due to the effects of climate change. This study is part of a line of research that analyzes the problem of urban flooding in Greater La Plata (GLP). In this context, work was done on two scales; the first incorporated all three districts of the GLP, and the second, the Gato and Maldonado stream basins in the city of La Plata. The aim is to formalize territorial intervention strategies to strengthen urban resilience with the study of the Maldonado stream basin. The methodology was based on a diagnostic of the area which examined weaknesses and strengths to determine intervention strategies (guidelines) that contribute to the mitigation of flood risk, thus increasing resilience and contributing to the construction of a sustainable habitat. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to process and analyze data. The results include: general strategies for several areas of vulnerability; specific strategies for the case study relating to its physical-environmental dimension considering current regulations, land uses and accessibility; and the creation of Diagnostic and Guideline Maps.


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Author Biographies

Estefanía Jáuregui, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Arquitecta. Maestranda. Docente Investigador.


María Aversa, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Arquitecta. Doctoranda. Docente Investigador.



Rocío Inés Salas Giorgio, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Arquitecta. Docente Universitario.



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How to Cite

Jáuregui, E., Aversa, M., & Salas Giorgio, R. I. (2016). Strategies for the mitigation of flood risk: the case of the Maldonado stream basin, La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Urbano, 19(34), 34–47. Retrieved from