The design of urban sustainability indicators: the case of Greater San Juan in Argentina
urban development, sustainable development, evaluation, seismic zone, arid zoneAbstract
This paper is part of an ongoing research project whose objective is to contribute to the sustainable urban development of Greater San Juan. For this research, sustainable development is understood to be that which has as core concepts: social equity, economic efficiency and environmental conservation, through the design of a group of urban indicators as tools for permanent, dynamic monitoring. Taking sustainability into consideration in Greater San Juan is imperative due to the fact that it is a seismic oasis city, which means preserving its status as an intermediate city. The study is ordered methodologically into three general stages: exploration and analysis of background information related to the subject, the proposal of a structure that supports the system of indicators with its subsystems, and the design of sustainability condition indicators for the study area. The results obtained in the research project include a system of structured, related indicators based on three subsystems, which pertain to the physical-spatial, socio-cultural and environmental aspects that contain the various sustainability indicators. This article presents a design proposal for some indicators in the physical-spatial subsystem to evaluate Greater San Juan and obtain conclusions as input for reflection.
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