Urban planning and design instruments to promote pedestrians in cities – A comparative study between Chile and Germany



pedestrian mobility, urban design, road planning, walkability


Walking is, along with cycling, the most sustainable, democratic and healthy mode of transport within a city (Tonucci, 2004; Gehl, 2011). For this reason, walking should be promoted in cities through planning and urban design. In fact, in Chile, the recent National Urban Development Policy (2014) sets out the promotion of pedestrian traffic as an urban mobility objective. This research analyzes the deficiencies and challenges of urban planning and street design in Chile by carrying out a comparative analysis of instruments and urban design standards in Germany that promote pedestrians in cities. Thus, best practices and planning tools such as minimum standards, design guidelines, traffic calming and participatory processes among others, are analyzed in depth using case studies that promote walking. This paper concludes with a proposal of urban design instruments, recommendations and standards to promote the development of pedestrian-oriented streets in Chile and hence encourage more sustainable urban development.


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How to Cite

Herrmann Lunecke, M. G. (2016). Urban planning and design instruments to promote pedestrians in cities – A comparative study between Chile and Germany. Urbano, 19(34), 48–57. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/2612