Heritage and urban agriculture in Recife: Analysis and guidelines for the Várzea neighborhood.


  • Igor Villares de Carvalho Politecnico di Milano (MSc. Alumnus)
  • Paola Nella Branduini Politecnico di Milano.




urban agriculture, urban planning, landscape, heritage, guidelines


Urban agricultural heritage is abandoned and/or unapparent in many South American cities. As demonstrated by a broad European study (COST Action - Urban Agriculture Europe, 2011-16), the cultural factor has a significant role in urban agriculture, and the improvement of tangible and intangible rural heritage in the urban context can be an opportunity to reinforce people´s identity and their quality of life, as stated by the European Landscape Convention (2000). This article applies the convention´s principles and the findings of the COST Action group on the Várzea neighborhood, in the city of Recife, Brazil. It is located in an area that was occupied by European settlers in the 16th century with sugarcane plantations and other agricultural activities, and remained rural until the 20th century. The tangible and intangible rural heritage of the site is presently detached from the population and does not follow current conservation practices. In order to mitigate this issue, the article proposes guidelines for its regeneration. The use of a framework developed outside of Brazil has the objective of proposing an experiment on a new set of actions to regenerate the site and improve the area´s potential related to its rural background.


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Author Biographies

Igor Villares de Carvalho, Politecnico di Milano (MSc. Alumnus)

Máster , Arquitecto y urbanista, alumnus de la maestría de la Politecnico di Milano

Paola Nella Branduini, Politecnico di Milano.

Doctora, Profesor en la Politecnico di Milano nel departamento A.B.C. y laboratorio PaRID. Arquitecto y PhD.


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How to Cite

de Carvalho, I. V., & Branduini, P. N. (2017). Heritage and urban agriculture in Recife: Analysis and guidelines for the Várzea neighborhood. Urbano, 20(36), 30–41. https://doi.org/10.22320/07183607.2017.20.36.03


