Community master plans in the Bio Bio Region. State and the current situation


  • Marco Sanhueza Galletti Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Fernando Peña-Cortés Universidad Católica de Temuco


urban planning, community master plans, territorial planning instruments, Bio Bio region


The current situation of community master plans in Bio Bio Region was characterized. For this, non standardized qualitative data was analyzed collected in two stages: (1) data collecting from different sources: Regional secretary from Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning; (2) applying of a questionnaire to the Direction of Municipal works, the professionals from the technical counterpart and consulting fi rms, instrument which inquired effectiveness of CMP in the area of accessibility and road connectivity, and in environmental issues. The results showed that 31.5 % of the communities have an actualized CMP, considering an average of seven years in the whole process from the beginning of the survey until the publication in the Offi cial Gazette. Some important delay was detected in the approval of master plans, mainly in Municipalities, regional Government and Controller. The stake holders consulted expressed concern with accessibility and road connectivity, since in some communities current demand it is not satisfi ed. Similarly occurs in environmental matters, something that can become a sticking point if the population does not perceive positively the coherence of the plan with its environment.


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How to Cite

Sanhueza Galletti, M., & Peña-Cortés, F. (2010). Community master plans in the Bio Bio Region. State and the current situation. Urbano, 13(22), 32–42. Retrieved from



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