Social movements and urban growth


  • José Juan Méndez Ramírez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Fernando Ensastegui Bernardino Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


social movements, urban growth, public works committee


In current societies, the presence of an organized civil society is becoming more evident, and its duties aff ect and provoke transformations in the relation of power between governmental institutions and social actors, such as Non-governmental organizations, Committees, Civil associations, etc.

Some of these changes and transformations in the relations of power have been so significant that they have infl uenced the design of new institutional initiatives, through which civil societies acquire more capacities for negotiation, management and incidence in the decision-making process across diff erent levels of the government.

Under this premise, this work focuses on the case study of the Public Works Committee of the Sport Unit of Santa mónica, in Santa mónica, ocuilan, with the intention of analyzing the ways that this Committee is infl uencing the urban growth of this settlement, so that in this way it would be possible to identify ways for the social movements to organize for the promotion of urban growth and development.


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How to Cite

Méndez Ramírez, J. J., & Ensastegui Bernardino, F. (2010). Social movements and urban growth. Urbano, 13(21), 48–55. Retrieved from



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