Urban agriculture and sustainability in Valdivia, Chile. A new small enterprise alternative


  • Beatriz Vera O. Universidad Austral de Chile


urban agriculture, small enterprise, initial capital, marketing channel, full-time and part-time employees


Urban agricultural small enterprises are understood as the agriculture carried out within the city or on its peripheries. Horticultural cultivation is most frequently found in densely inhabited areas. This study purports economically, productively and commercially characterize a group of enterprises devoted to urban agriculture as well as to define the jobs they can create in the city of Valdivia.

A "Snowball" poll was applied to identify the urban farmers of the city. The poll identified a total of 22 small enterprises that met the requirements and hypotheses used in this research.

It appears that urban agriculture is an important source of employment in Valdivia city apart from offering part-time jobs in summer time.


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How to Cite

Vera O., B. (2009). Urban agriculture and sustainability in Valdivia, Chile. A new small enterprise alternative. Urbano, 12(20), 7–12. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/321



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