Flow, mobility and levels of accesibility in the city centre of Chillan: Proposals for improvement through SIG


  • Christian Loyola Gómez Universidad del Bío-Bío
  • Elías Albornoz Del Valle Universidad del Bío-Bío


road network, transport routes, GIS (Geography Information Systems) and accessibility


The city of Chillan has a structured road network based on the physical infrastructure that the city has developed since its fundations, organising collective vehicle traffic around it, generating therefore transport routes from the periphery into the core area of the city.

The present investigation will analise how vehicular traffic that circulates within the city centre limits aff ects accessibility rates. In this context, the investigation will take the red céntrica of Chillan as the object of study, as well as the vehicular influx from the periphery into the core part of the city, bearing in mind networks’ analysis, their accessibilty and also in the distribution system of collective transport. The most appropiate tool to establish such analysis is GIS, that allows to create an existing reality while at the same time it generates proposals of vehicular influx that will increase the rates of accessibilty into the core of the city of Chillán.


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How to Cite

Loyola Gómez, C., & Albornoz Del Valle, E. (2009). Flow, mobility and levels of accesibility in the city centre of Chillan: Proposals for improvement through SIG. Urbano, 12(19), 17–27. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/332



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