Agroecological practices in rurban territories of the Concepción Metropolitan Area: Contributions of the social and solidarity economy to urban sustainability
social and solidarity economy, agroecology, metropolis, rurban, urban sustainabilityAbstract
In the Concepción Metropolitan Area (AMC), lifestyles and practices persist that mix urban and rural life, which are associated with small-scale agriculture and a family socio-economic base. This has implied the existence of rurban sectors focused on the cultivation of food plant species, mainly vegetables. However, these territories and the communities where these activities are carried out have been highly strained by the urban development model deployed in recent decades.
From this premise, the question arises whether these agricultural practices can be considered agroecological based on the conceptual foundation of agroecology and its approaches towards more sustainable forms of urban life. To answer this question, the present article reviews several cases of communities engaged agriculture in the AMC, with the aim of contributing to the valorization of farming as a sustainable activity, considering its social, environmental and economic contributions to the urban metropolitan system.
The methodology is based on the review of previous background information about agricultural production areas, fieldwork to learn firsthand how these practices are carried out, semi-structured interviews, the creation of specialized planimetry, and a discussion of the potential of these zones as areas of interest for urban sustainability.
The results made it possible to identify areas in four municipalities and create a framework of indicators for the evaluation of agricultural practices based on the agroecology approach. During the research process, connections were made with the communities, as well as contributions to the link between farmers and spaces for commercializing their products in the urban system. Additionally, a multimedia file was produced that enabled the development of educational material to teach and disseminate these practices at the academic and community levels.
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