The “Lifeshed” as a New Scale of Production of Sustainable Urban-Rural Territories. Insights from the Ecuadorian Andes


  • Nasser Rebaï Laboratorio Pôle de Recherche pour L'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'information Géographique (PRODIG), París, Francia.



Ecuador, urban-rural relations, rural and agricultural peri-urban areas, lifeshed


For several decades, peri-urban areas in the Ecuadorian Andes have undergone important changes due to the densification of habitat or the development of capitalist agriculture. However, while this region must face the challenges of supplying food for its urban population and protecting natural resources in a context of global change, it is essential to reflect on the peri-urban areas in the Ecuadorian highlands to assess to what extent they could become useful areas for the provision of food and environmental services. Thus, this article compiles the results of research carried out in the cities of Riobamba and Cuenca to analyze territorial dynamics in four peri-urban areas in order to provide arguments directed toward rethinking the spatial framework of public development policies in the Ecuadorian Andes to improve urban-rural articulation. From a theoretical point of view, this leads to addressing and defining the notion of lifeshed to think about the emergence of sustainable urban-rural territories.


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Author Biography

Nasser Rebaï, Laboratorio Pôle de Recherche pour L'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'information Géographique (PRODIG), París, Francia.

Investigador Asociado


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How to Cite

Rebaï, N. (2019). The “Lifeshed” as a New Scale of Production of Sustainable Urban-Rural Territories. Insights from the Ecuadorian Andes. Urbano, 22(39), 08–25.