Urban sustainability. Tome: A proposal for evaluating chilean general plans


  • Carolina Rojas Quezada Universidad de Alcalá
  • M. A. Díaz Muñoz Universidad de Alcalá
  • Edilia Jaque Castillo Universidad de Concepción


urban sustainability, general urban planing, Geographic Information Systems GIS


This article values the sustainability in the urban planning through the design of an indicators system, that arise from the identification of the attributes of the Sustainable Urban Planning. The indicators are tried in the proposed land cover model established in the instrument of territorial planning called “Regulator Urban Plan”. The study is applied in the town of “Tomé”, located in the 8th Region “Bío Bío” of Chile. The obtaining of the indicators of urban sustainability is developed from the use of the tools of GIS. The proposed urban planning is evaluated with a system of indicators based on 3 territorial components, that are: Distribution of uses and physical structure, Land use consumption and environmental Quality, and are processed in the zones of the proposed land cover model. The method combines the bibliographical analysis with the application of spatial analysis and geoprocessing in GIS. The results allow to access to us to value the sustainability of the proposed territorial model.


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How to Cite

Rojas Quezada, C., Díaz Muñoz, M. A., & Jaque Castillo, E. (2008). Urban sustainability. Tome: A proposal for evaluating chilean general plans. Urbano, 11(17), 27–35. Retrieved from https://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RU/article/view/359



Asuntos Urbanos Nacionales