Diagnosis of use and design of pedestrian space: contributions from the landscape for the city of La Plata, Argentina
Urban roads, urban landscape, public space, city, surveysAbstract
In the context of increasingly more complex urban scenarios, the infrastructure of the city's road spaces is still almost exclusively dedicated to cars. The city of La Plata is no exception, also presenting an interesting contrast between its planned urban areas and those that have grown due to urban sprawl. The concept of pedestrian space is understood starting from the different functions it fulfills, not only insofar as a transport infrastructure, but also as public and strategic spaces that shape the urban landscape. Thus, this article proposes, on one hand, the generation of primary information and, on the other, the construction of a diagnosis about the design and use of the pedestrian space. For this, a survey of the current state of the pedestrian space, its dimensions, morphological characteristics, and landscape elements, is carried out. Although there is an adequate amount of space reserved for pedestrian use, it is confirmed that in many sectors it is still not accessible or pleasant for citizens, due to its poor condition or complete lack of upkeep.
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