Urban determining factors of housing prices in Chile: a statistical exploration


  • José Francisco Vergara-Perucich Universidad de Las Américas, Santiago, Chile




Housing, prices, regression, urban development, economic evaluation


Starting from the implementation of the National Urban Development Council in Chile, an Urban Development Indicators and Standards System has been put in motion. One of the main urban problems faced by Chilean cities is the increase in housing prices. From this, the study looks to find how urban attributes influence housing prices. For this purpose, 2047 housing projects were surveyed to review which urban development standards indicators best explain their prices. An analysis of main components and multiple linear regressions are applied, together with the variables. The results show a high price dependence on the financial autonomy of the communes, and indicate that residential segregation is incidental to the formation of housing price value.


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Author Biography

José Francisco Vergara-Perucich, Universidad de Las Américas, Santiago, Chile

PhD in Development Planning
Associate Professor and Director of the Space Production Centre.


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How to Cite

Vergara-Perucich, J. F. (2021). Urban determining factors of housing prices in Chile: a statistical exploration. Urbano, 24(43), 40–51. https://doi.org/10.22320/07183607.2021.24.43.04




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