Daily mobility practices and urban structure in the peri-urban environment: Lomas Coloradas and Portal de San Pedro, San Pedro de la Paz (Chile)





Daily mobility, peri-urbanization, spatial syntax, gated communities


The aim of this article is to comprehend daily mobility practices in contiguous peri-urban residential areas that have different characteristics in terms of their historical origin, urban design and layout, socioeconomic level, and access to public transportation, using the areas of Lomas Coloradas and Portal de San Pedro in the commune of San Pedro de la Paz. From a quantitative analysis, the level of integration allowed by the urban fabric was analyzed comparatively using the Space Syntax method (Hiller et al., 1987) through the depthMapX software, to then identify the number of facilities and population density based on data from the 2017 census. Finally, mobility was studied by applying semi-structured surveys focused on supply. The results show that the type of urban fabric and its level of local integration lose importance in daily mobility practices when it comes to intercommunal travel. Thus, within the transport offer, just satisfying access to these areas does not ensure the reduction of the urban inequality observed in the daily mobility of people.


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Author Biographies

Yabel Arévalo-Molina, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

Master in Sustainable Urban Processes
Academic Collaborator, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, Department of Geography

Leonel Pérez-Bustamante, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

PhD in Urbanism
Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Geography, Department of Urbanism

Daniela Villouta-Gutiérrez, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

Master in Urban Planning
PhD (c) in Architecture and Urban Studies, Postgraduate Academic Collaborator, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography, Department of Urbanism.


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How to Cite

Arévalo-Molina, Y., Pérez-Bustamante, L., & Villouta-Gutiérrez, D. (2023). Daily mobility practices and urban structure in the peri-urban environment: Lomas Coloradas and Portal de San Pedro, San Pedro de la Paz (Chile). Urbano, 26(47), 34–45. https://doi.org/10.22320/07183607.2023.26.47.03


