Walking access to urban wetlands: an opportunity for recreation and wellbeing





accessibility, urban wetlands, walkability, perception, well-being


Urban wetlands in Chilean cities are one of the urban ecosystems most affected by real estate developments. Despite their importance for recreation and biodiversity, they are constantly shrinking due to deficient urban planning processes. However, with the recent boom of green and sustainable cities, wetlands are being revalued through restoration projects and open urban parks, with natural value for the well-being of habitats and the urban population. In this sense, promoting accessibility through suitable infrastructure will contribute to improving the quality of life of inhabitants and the urban environment, specifically through the integration of blue-green infrastructure. Walkable access to a network of wetlands called "La Ruta del Agua" (“the water trail”) has been analyzed here, through a perception-based survey, looking to improve access to nature in cities. The urban wetlands assessed comprise five ecosystems located in different types of neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of Concepción, Chile. Although this is a local case study, it is relevant from a methodological perspective, given the existence of a large number of degraded urban wetlands in Latin America that are in danger of disappearing. The results show that wetlands are accessible by walking, but the fact that they are rarely visited, despite being close to residential areas, reveals a lack of integration as open green spaces, rich in biodiversity, and as places of recreation in the city of Concepción. The results of this study are valuable for the design of future “wetland parks”, one which must consider the ecosystem values, biodiversity, and recreation for people’s well-being.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Rojas-Quezada, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Doctor of Geography in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography and Remote Sensing
Professor Institute for Urban and Territorial Studies

Felipe Jorquera-Guajardo, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

Master in Human Settlements and Environment.
D. student in Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Sciences - EULA Center.

Stefan Steiniger, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso , Valparaíso, Chile.

Postdoctorate in Geomatics Engineering
Professor School of Construction and Transportation Engineering - Associate Researcher Center for Sustainable Urban Development CEDEUS, Santiago, Chile


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How to Cite

Rojas-Quezada, C., Jorquera-Guajardo, F., & Steiniger, S. (2022). Walking access to urban wetlands: an opportunity for recreation and wellbeing. Urbano, 25(46), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.22320/07183607.2022.25.46.05


