Tensions in how sexual and gender dissidents live in the public space of the urban center of Concepción
urbanism, gender and dissidence, forms of inhabiting, public spaceAbstract
Using urbanism with a gender perspective, the article presents some results from a study that aimed to characterize the forms and tensions sexogeneric dissidents live in the urban center of Concepción and the elements of spatial design that affect them. A qualitative research approach was used to respond to this goal. Collective mapping was carried out with the communities under study to establish significant places in the public space, followed by a series of semi-structured interviews as data collection techniques. After their transcription, a thematic analysis was made, identifying the shared experiences of those who took part. The findings show that the different activities and practices of dissident groups in the public space take place within a constant state of alertness, modulated, to a large extent, by the perception of insecurity in a place. It was also possible to define the tensions perceived in the public spaces of the urban center. The perceptions, practices, and ways of living dissidence, alongside the tensions produced in these processes, express the need to address the gender and diversity approach in planning and urban design processes to move toward more inclusive and equitable cities for all.
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