Investification in the housing market: exploratory study in Santiago de Chile




investification, rental, housing, Santiago de Chile, rent


This study uses a quantitative methodological approach with geographically weighted regressions to address the phenomenon of investification in the Greater Santiago rental market. Using the collection and analysis of transaction data and urban indicators, the location patterns of residential investments are explored for specific urban functions at the census tract level. The analysis reveals that proximity to higher education institutions, stability in rental prices, and the presence of older adults are determining factors in the selection of investment properties. These findings evidence the transformation of the urban landscape as rental spaces for capital and highlight the growing socio-spatial segmentation, thus underlining the need for regulations that address the implications of investification in the urban dynamics of Greater Santiago.


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Author Biographies

José Francisco Vergara-Perucich, Universidad de Las Américas, Santiago, Chile.

PhD in Development Planning.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Construction.

Carlos Aguirre-Nuñez, Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile.

PhD in Urban Management and Valuation.
Associate Professor, School of Architecture.

Carlos Marmolejo-Duarte, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, España.

PhD in Urban Management and Valuation.
University Professor at ETSAB and researcher at the Center for Land Policy and Valuation.


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How to Cite

Vergara-Perucich, J. F., Aguirre-Nuñez, C., & Marmolejo-Duarte, C. (2023). Investification in the housing market: exploratory study in Santiago de Chile. Urbano, 26(48), 56–67.


