Spatiality of social memories associated with the dictatorship (1973 - 1990) in the Concepción Metropolitan Area (CMA), Chile




public space, cartography, memories, violation of human rights


The Metropolitan Area of ​​Concepción (MAC) was one of the hardest hit areas by political represión and human right violations during the dictatorship. Despite the impact of it, the urban development of las decades has been erasing the materialness of memories linked with the period. Emerging the neediness to map places of memory to dimension and territorially understand them, through geolocation and analysis of its spatiality and territorial distribution. In this regard, a wide distribution of spaces is identified that can be defined as "silenced places" and "places made invisible by daily life". In fact, a disproportion is observed between the quantity of events of political violence and violations of human rights and the scarcity of public spaces that account for these events. Also, it is relevant to verify a certain inadequacy of the existing spaces for contemporary development of memory practices, both in urban and architectural terms, raising questions about how social memories linked to the dictatorship are currently crystallized.


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Author Biographies

Paula Isabel Tesche-Roa, Universidad Andrés Bello, Concepción, Chile.

PhD in Human Sciences.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences.

Juan Carlos SantaCruz-Grau, Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.

PhD in Territorial Policies and local project.
Academic, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design.

Verónica Marianela Esparza-Saavedra, Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.

PhD in Theory and History of Architecture.
Academic, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design.

Jordana María José García-Hernández, Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.

Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Architecture and Design.


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How to Cite

Tesche-Roa, P. I., SantaCruz-Grau, J. C., Esparza-Saavedra, V. M., & García-Hernández, J. M. J. (2023). Spatiality of social memories associated with the dictatorship (1973 - 1990) in the Concepción Metropolitan Area (CMA), Chile. Urbano, 26(48), 68–83.


