Producing peripheries: morphology and habitability in the conurbations of Cuenca, Ecuador




urban morphology, habitability, periphery, urban sprawl, intermediate city


The expansion of Latin American intermediate cities has left irregular and discontinuous occupation patterns in their peripheral territories. In appearance, the configurations of the urban edges do not have relevant differences. In fact, each morphological structure is heterogeneous and has its own behaviors, different occupation motivations, and diverse resulting consolidated models. In Cuenca, Ecuador, these diffuse zones between the urban and rural limits are marked by segregation dynamics and dependence on the consolidated center and have the lowest quality-of-life indexes in the city. In this context, the objective of the research was to find a possible relationship between the types of peripheral morphologies and the levels of urban habitability of four city urban centers, using a quantitative methodological design with a two-stage correlational scope. Initially, urban morphologies were classified, and the habitability levels were rated separately, applying independent instruments. Then, the results were cross-checked to describe possible links between variables. The findings highlight significant disparities in habitability between conurbations and define an apparent direct correlation between the two dimensions of analysis.


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Author Biographies

Michelle Estefanía Pesántez-Yépez, Universidad de Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador.

Master in Architecture, Urban and Architectural Projects.
Researcher, student of Master in University Teaching.

Natasha Eulalia Cabrera-Jara, Universidad de Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador.

PhD in Architecture and Urban Studies.
Professor-Researcher, Culture and Heritage Research Group, UDA - LlactaLAB-Sustainable Cities Research Group


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How to Cite

Pesántez-Yépez, M. E., & Cabrera-Jara, N. E. (2024). Producing peripheries: morphology and habitability in the conurbations of Cuenca, Ecuador. Urbano, 27(49), 78–93.


