Military sites today: The symbolic military space in megapolitan Lima, Peru
social space, physical space, immured spaces, military habitusAbstract
This study analyzes the impact of military facilities in Megapolitan Lima, considering the city's physical, symbolic, and social space configuration. This research focuses on the Las Palmas Air Force Base and the Chorrillos Military Base, examining how these sites demarcate the urban space and affect the social dynamics, symbolic perceptions, and power relations. Using a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews, observation, and document analysis, the role of military bases is explored in constructing urban identity, collective memory, and community cohesion in Lima. The findings reveal diverse perceptions. While some perceive these spaces as symbols of protection, stability, and order, others see them as agents of segregation and control. This plurality of opinions indicates that the military facilities fulfill a complex, multifaceted role in the city, influenced by the social and cultural context of the different groups involved.
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