Tourism and urban transport. Cycling-paths adapted for small vehicles moved by human power in Concepcion, Chile


  • M. Isabel López Universidad del Bío-Bío
  • Hernán Ascuí Fernández Universidad del Bío-Bío
  • Jorge Díaz Tejada Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima


tourism, urban transport, vehicles


As in many countries around the world, utilitarian goals have usually been the leading consideration in Chile for policies in public transportation; that is: to increase the efficiency of transportation linkages between home, work, and public facilities (e.g. health, educational, etc.). This criterion is consistent with the mandate to public administrators of optimizing public resources. It has however, missed the chance of using part of the substantial resources allocated in the transportation sector, as a way of promoting people's involvement in culture, sport and recreational activities. That is, by designing linkages tonatural areas (with tourist and recreational potential), as another main goal of the publictransportation network. Following the latter approach, the article indetifies opportunities to incorporate natural landscape appreciation as a part of the daily urban experience, in the city of Concepción; through a network of cycling- paths, adapted for small vehicles moved by human power (pedicabs).


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How to Cite

López, M. I., Ascuí Fernández, H., & Díaz Tejada, J. (2013). Tourism and urban transport. Cycling-paths adapted for small vehicles moved by human power in Concepcion, Chile. Urbano, 16(28), 11–23. Retrieved from



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