

In Chile and Latin America, the State has built the city. Thus, from buildings and public spaces, institutional architecture, schools, housing, hospitals, industrial buildings, transportation, and even in the most diverse spheres, State action in the production of public architecture is undeniable.

At different times, this fact has been more or less valued or recognized. For example, during the presidential period of José Manuel Balmaceda (1886-1891), his administration undertook numerous public works that sought to spread modernization throughout the country through buildings and infrastructure. Likewise, during the 1940s, with the boost given by the -Frente Popular (Popular Front, in English) governments, there was a sustained institutionalization that resulted in the construction of several buildings that spread the benefits of modern architecture into public architecture and popular housing. Subsequently, with the application of an economic-social model, which from the 1970s until practically today has privileged the private sector, the actions of the State in the production of the city have been curtailed, and on many occasions, muted or vilified; now we speak of a crisis of State absence.

Nevertheless, we are now witnessing a political and historical process where new State perspectives and roles are being thought – and even dreamed of... could we be talking about a new State, of a new State operation that rescues its institutional and political value as a promoter of more and better architecture?

In this context, Arquitecturas del Sur invites the academic community to present their research on State-produced public architecture in Ibero-America, whether about past or contemporary works, with the purpose of stimulating a critical review of such architectural and urban production, while broadening the view on Latin American architecture and public space, according to the new political trends that are being seen in the region today.

Arquitecturas del Sur invites the academic and professional community to present works that revisit and insist on embracing inclusive social dialogue as a new pact for the use of the architectural space.

Submissions will be received until MAY 20th, 2022, through the journal´s online platform (, and must strictly adhere to Arquitecturas del Sur´s policies and standards, which are detailed in the section, “Ethics Policy and Publication Guidelines” for authors.

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Articles may be submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, and must be original and unpublished and not have simultaneously been submitted to any other publication.

Arquitecturas del Sur is published biannually in January and July. The submission of manuscripts assumes the authors´ knowledge and acceptance of, and compliance with the conditions established by the publisher.

Arquitecturas del Sur is indexed at:

Avery Index, Clarivates. Emerging Source Citation Index Web of Science, Dialnet, Doaj, Ebsco, Journal Tocs, Latindex, Open Archives Initiative, Qualis/Capes B2, Rebiun, Redib, ERIHPLUS, SciELO Chile, and ARLA.