

The surveying of social values associated with an unorthodox, liquid, elusive reality, where concepts such as the pure, the clear, and the perfect have been surpassed by the tensions of contemporary life, led architectural dogmas into a clear crisis at least fifty years ago. Venturi was one of the first to make this reflection associated with a chromatic idea where the gray, settled - and sat - on the white or black. It was the end of the great narratives of modern and, by then, historical architecture. From that moment on, the possibility that otherness, diversity, and difference would be installed on blurred interstices that architectural rationality, had disappeared without suture or closure.

This path, apparently secondary, unpaved, and full of curves and slopes, offers itself as a much riskier one, though far wider in alternatives, frictions, and perspectives. Our contemporary society seems ready to corroborate, review, and even modify everything that was certain. It is normal then, that fear sets in, but it is even more normal, that boldness, courage, and a lack of prejudice are offered as the genuine pillars of a new time.

Architecture, too, no longer supports definitive guidelines, manuals, or catalogs. Recipes are presented as ephemeral moments, ready to disappear or be altered. Here, the emergence of a wider and broader architecture, where nuances, twists, and distortions are at odds with regularity and the canon, offers space and shelter to these inevitable othernesses. The hybrid, that which comes from entities of different nature is then validated, where the mixture, the crossbreeding, hatches with eloquent presence, without arrogance, but never hidden.

Arquitecturas del Sur 63 invites academic research and design practice to show their escape doors, or better, the windows through which the air crosses to indicate flows and decomposed currents, distorted perspectives, unstable grounds where walking along them means adding purposes, which are less ordered, but more extreme.

Submissions will be received until OCTOBER 31st, 2022, through the journal´s online platform (http://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/AS/about/submissions), and must strictly adhere to Arquitecturas del Sur´s policies and standards, which are detailed in the section, “Ethics Policy and Publication Guidelines” for authors.

Please visit www.arquitecturasdelsur.cl for more information, or contact us at arquitecturasdelsur@ubiobio.cl

Articles may be submitted in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, and must be original and unpublished and not have simultaneously been submitted to any other publication.

Arquitecturas del Sur is published biannually in January and July. The submission of manuscripts assumes the authors´ knowledge of, acceptance, and compliance with the conditions established by the publisher.

Arquitecturas del Sur is indexed at:

Avery Index, Clarivates. Emerging Source Citation Index Web of Science, ERIHPLUS, SciELO Chile, Dialnet, Doaj, Ebsco, Journal Tocs, Latindex, Open Archives Initiative, Qualis/Capes B2, Rebiun, Redib, and ARLA.