Copacabana, icon of tourist leisure and symbol of brazilian modernity: the transformation and construction of the landscape through the media image
landscape, tourism., image, techniques of representation, Rio de Janeiro, beach, tourismAbstract
This article proposes a reflection on the construction of the modern landscape in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, through the image produced and disseminated by mass communication magazines. The objective is to understand the ways in which the ways of seeing (Berger, 2000) and interpreting a media image participate in the material and symbolic cons- truction of landscapes. In this sense, two sets of photographic images of Copacabana beach published in two editions of the magazine Manchete (1968 and 1971) are studied. Specifically, this research seeks to identify urban architectural elements and geographical conditions, which, linked to political, social and historical events, transformed Copacabana into a symbol of Brazilian modernity and icon of tourist leisure. Likewise, it is suggested that the photographic image is a technological mechanism that not only represents this landscape, but also participates in the construction and diffusion of the ideas and concepts that make up the same landscape.
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