Copresence, interaction and diversity: Socio-spatial analysis on a university campus.




university campus, social interaction, informal education, open space, social behavior


This article analyzes the characteristics of free spaces that encourage copresence, interaction and diversity of user profiles, in eight selected locations at the main campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The research adopted quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the potential of configuration and spatial organization in creating educational areas that produce informal encounters. Data were collected through systematic observation, which generated behavioral maps, and through the application of questionnaires, which gathered information about diversity and the reasons for using each location. The study shows that the areas with the highest intensity of copresence and interaction are the spaces close to the academic services. They are well-configured spatially and have high values in both the local syntactic measures of “integration” and “choice”. Regarding the variable “diversity”, the measure of “global choice” was able to capture the diversity in spaces located between academic centers, while the diversity among courses was best obtained through the measures of “local choice”, “global integration” and “local integration”, in that order.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Peters de Souza, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina

Arquitecto y urbanista, Maestría en el programa de postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo en la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina.

Renato Tibiriçá de Saboya, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina

Doctor en Ingeniería Civil por la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Profesor doctor en la Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Peters de Souza, G., & Tibiriçá de Saboya, R. (2017). Copresence, interaction and diversity: Socio-spatial analysis on a university campus. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 35(52), 54–69.