Transformative lessons: Elements for another reading of Brasilia




Análise, design, theory, review, Brasilia


The objective of this work
was to identify contemporary
design lessons based on an analysis of architectural and
urban projects in Brasilia. This
is a Brazilian city in which architecture and urbanism
played a leading role, but
which postmodern criticism erroneously condemned by
limiting its value to a purely historical dimension considered
to be irrelevant as a project reference. In order to overcome
this value judgment and to
achieve other possibilities for analysis, a number of texts
aligned with the retroactive manifesto procedure were examined. Subsequently, an international workshop was organized that used this procedure to observe the existing architectural and
urban situations and discuss
the possibilities for theoretical coordination with the consequent construction of a repertoire of design lessons.
This work led to exploring the possibility of reinterpreting
the historically-recognized production of architectural and urban projects located within the area of the Brasilia Pilot Plan from the perspective of contemporary theoretical references, thus generating a new and updated understanding of the local projects. The workshop also made it possible to recognize the theoretical and design potential of so called ordinary situations encountered mainly in the peripheral areas of the metropolitan expansion of the federal capital, in which the erudite production of architecture and urbanism is generally absent, but where it was possible to find surprising lessons to be learned and incorporated into the teaching of theory and design offered by our schools.


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Author Biography

Guilherme Lassance, Universidad Federal do Río de Janeiro, Río de Janeiro, Brasil.

Docente del Departamento de projeto de Arquitetura, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo


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How to Cite

Lassance, G. (2019). Transformative lessons: Elements for another reading of Brasilia. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 37(55), 38–49.