Social uprising in Chile and patrimonialization processes: a resignification paradigm of memories


  • Mario Ferrada-Aguilar Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile



Social conflict, patrimonialization processes, discourses, memories, social uprising in Chile


In recent years, both globally and locally, a profound change in the paradigm has been seen with respect to what has been traditionally accepted as a manifestation of heritage. In part, this conceptual and methodological transformation is due to the emergence of patrimonialization processes, driven by social conflicts that go against the institutionalized discourses of heritage. This results in resignifications of the stories and memories in the territory, the city and the architecture, associated with new categories of heritage that need to be addressed. This work is about this new paradigm, taking as a case the so-called ‘social uprising, which has affected Chile since October 18th, 2019. Beyond being perceived as a destructive phenomenon, which initially targets aspects of a socio-political nature, the presence of the conflict in Chilean society points to a sharp criticism of the heritage representation system. In its spatio-temporal trajectory, new socio-spatial practices arise that satisfy the memory expectations of the communities regarding a transforming reality. The article aims to contribute to the field of architecture and the built environment, insofar as it allows reflecting on the transformation of meanings and values of heritage that emerges in the daily reality of our cities. Using a descriptive methodology, based on recent media documents, some emblematic situations of the problem are addressed, manifested in the consolidated urban areas of La Serena, Valparaíso, Santiago, Concepción, Temuco, and Punta Arenas. In them, the patrimonialization operations make visible the contrasts between the discourses of the State and those produced by social organizations, the resignification of elements of traditional heritage and the emergence of the city as a space for negotiation of memories. From all this, the renewal of the values and attributes, traditionally assigned to monuments, is inferred, whether in their objectual, architectural or urban condition, as well as the potentiality of heritage, as a channel for dialogue, coexistence, and cohesion in the ongoing debate about conflicting stories and memories.


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Author Biography

Mario Ferrada-Aguilar, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Instituo de Historia y Patrimonio, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo


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How to Cite

Ferrada-Aguilar, M. (2021). Social uprising in Chile and patrimonialization processes: a resignification paradigm of memories. ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 39(59), 44–67.