Historic timber buildings restored for public purposes in Southern Chile. A critical analysis and an approach to a cultural landscape
cultural heritage, vulnerability, integrated rehabilitation, heritage landscapeAbstract
The objective of this paper is to update and summarize the arguments behind the Integrated Heritage Rehabilitation (IHR) for Wooden Cities methodology. Building in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest ecoregion relied on native species, and is still characteristic of the towns in southern Chile, including the city of Valdivia. However, the historic town’s urban fabric is vulnerable to natural disasters and neoliberal market practices. Regulations and instruments for architectural restoration hinder IHR since their primary focus lies in social sciences, excluding the fundamental architectonic technical aspects, as well as a broader understanding of the context. Through an analysis of a set of historic buildings restored with public funds, the relationship between social sciences, engineering, architecture, and the theories of public use and landscape is patent. It is evident that there is a need to establish effective practices to extend the service life of buildings through cultural heritage management. Eight key points were identified, that connect history with the material conditions, which today are lacking in the Chilean Public Service. For the restoration processes to be integrated, evaluations must include new dimensions, such as the economic relationship and the material or tangible management, as well as the integration with the surrounding original architectural identity and the ease with which it can be culturally associated. From the harmonization of these eight points within the heritage regulatory framework, an improvement of the integrated rehabilitation of heritage buildings in the southern Chilean towns is expected, with priority given to timber conservation and public contribution.
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