The Master Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975). Experiences and artistic findings in the sanctuary of St. Petri Church in Klippan (2020)




Sigurd Lewerentz, St. Petri in Klippan, site model, Alexander Calder, Italo Calvino


In the archives of Sigurd Lewerentz, in Stockholm, there is an unpublished object that the master kept in a folder during the construction of St. Petri's Church in Klippan. A volatile fantasy in the form of architectural origami devised by Lewerentz as a delightful storyteller of the construction site. A delicate and fragile paper object, that captures and expresses well the artistic essence of this architecture, as a baked earth fold, as a lamellar brick structure that finds its resistance in its origami. An ethereal fantasy that will allow observing the work of the master through the eyes of Alexander Calder, recognizing both the intention of making air sensitive and putting our senses on edge. This story, through a life experience with the master's architecture, makes public certain spatial and artistic, musical, and mobile findings, through the study and production of the models made for the Sanctuary of the Church of St. Petri in Klippan. This space waits patiently for a breath, it lies dormant awaiting in the dark for the air to breathe life into it. This paper unveils a beautiful instrument, a surprising contraption devised by Lewerentz himself; a wind still that captures, conducts, and concentrates the sounds of nature itself, the sounds of Klippan.


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Author Biography

Tomás García-García, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España.

Ph.D. in Architecture, Associate Professor Ph.D., Department of Architectural Projects


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How to Cite

García-García, T. (2023). The Master Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975). Experiences and artistic findings in the sanctuary of St. Petri Church in Klippan (2020). ARQUITECTURAS DEL SUR, 41(63), 104–121.

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